Reuben Kiggundu is an experienced public health specialist with over ten years of experience conceptualizing, designing, and implementing global public health programs in Uganda. He is skilled in project implementation, governance and leadership, and health systems strengthening. For the past five years, he has supported the establishment of the National Health Security program in Uganda while supporting other African countries in the process. He has experience in antimicrobial resistance (AMR), zoonotic diseases, infectious diseases control, disease surveillance, outbreak preparedness and response, real-time surveillance, One Health, and vaccine-preventable diseases. Reuben supported the implementation of the pioneer Center for Disease Control-funded Global Health Security Project in Uganda, focusing on AMR, disease outbreaks, and medical countermeasures. He also worked as the One Health AMR Surveillance Technical Team Lead under the Fleming Fund Country Grant for Uganda. In these roles, he worked with the Government of Uganda and other partners to develop the National Action Plan for AMR and the National Action Plan for Health Security and supported early foundation building activities for implementation. Reuben is the author/co-author of over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles. Reuben is currently the Country Project Director of the USAID MTaPS program in Uganda. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery Degree from Makerere University and an MPH from the University of Manchester, UK.