e-TB Manager

Published : June 9, 2020

Although international guidelines for TB control are standardized, country TB programs are often unable to properly manage the data needed to follow the guidelines, resulting in poorly timed interventions.

The emergence of drug‐resistant TB (DR-TB) has made it more difficult to manage cases and medicines, increasing the need for tools that effectively monitor diagnosing and prescribing practices and patient use while ensuring uninterrupted availability of TB medicines.

What Is e-TB Manager?

e-TB Manager is a web- or desktop-based tool for managing all information needed by national TB control programs. It integrates data across all aspects of TB control, including information on suspected cases, patients, medicines, laboratory testing, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome.


  • Individual case monitoring: enables providers to manage susceptible TB, DR-TB, TB-HIV, and pediatric TB cases from diagnosis to treatment outcome, using WHO guidelines, that include:

❖    Comprehensive first‐ and second‐line medicines management: allows ordering, distribution, dispensing, forecasting, and inventory tracking by batch number and expiry date at all levels.
❖    Comprehensive reporting: covering all WHO reports that are accessible at all levels and easily customizable to include country-specific reports and indicators.
❖    Operational and clinical research facility: provides methods for analyzing data, including drug utilization reviews, drug resistance patterns, treatment costs, and easy data exporting to other statistical programs.

  • Access across the health system: allows TB teams at all levels from health care providers to government officials to access individual and consolidated data for evaluating system performance across facilities and regions.
  • User-friendly dashboards and mobile/tablet responsive: the user interface automatically adapts to the size of the device’s screen.
  • Adjustable user privileges: allows user access to data and modules to be regulated.
  • Offline mode: e-TB Manager can be installed in health facilities with no or intermittent Internet connection. All data are stored in the local hard drive of the computer. When an Internet connection is available, the offline version will synchronize with the web version.
  • Open access and interoperable: developed with open source tools to enable countries to customize the program to fit particular country needs without requiring specific licensing. Uses a comprehensive application programming interface that allows third-party software to integrate with e-TB Manager.

Where it has been applied

  • East, South, and West Africa
  • Europe and Central Asia
  • South Asia
  • Latin America and the Caribbean

Language availability

  • Russian
  • Armenian 
  • Azerbaijani 
  • Bahasa Indonesia 
  • Chinese 
  • English
  • French
  • Khmer
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian 
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Ukrainian
  • Uzbek
  • Vietnamese
Resource Type: Pharma Systems Tools