MTaPS Supports Ethiopia National Antimicrobial Resistance Advisory Committee Meeting
MTaPS supported the organization of the 39th One Health National Antimicrobial Resistance Advisory Committee (NAMRAC) on May 31, 2022, in Addis Ababa in coordination with the national antimicrobial resistance (AMR) secretariat of the Ministry of Health (MOH). Twenty-six NAMRAC members and invited guests attended the session, which focused on the status of implementation of Multi Partners Trust Fund (MPTF) activities and the national One Health AMR stakeholders’ progress report for the last six months. Convened by MTaPS as part of the Global Health Security Agenda to combat AMR, NAMRAC comprises representatives from national research, regulatory, human and animal health, and environmental agencies, and international organizations.
Ethiopia was one of five countries granted the AMR-MPTF project based on a proposal submitted with support from MTaPS in 2020. The Ministry of Agriculture, MOH, and Environment Protection Authority lead the project implementation and Food and Agricultural Organisation, World Health Organisation, and World Organization of Animal Health serve as coordinators. Achievements include the technical launch of the project and the development of an epidemiologic AMR data capturing tool to strengthen AMR surveillance and training on integrated antimicrobial stewardship, health care-acquired infection, and AMR surveillance.

Some of the meeting participants during the 39th One Health National Antimicrobial Resistance Advisory Committee meeting
The national One Health AMR stakeholders’ progress report addressed sector performance on AMR prevention and containment, challenges, and areas in need of support. Dr. Solomon Kebede, Director of the Ethiopian Agriculture Authority recognized the progress made and identified issues.
“There has been substantial progress in the implementation of the national AMR strategic plan, specifically in the animal and human health sectors. However, the report also reflects gaps in implementation of AMR interventions at the regional and facility levels. To address these gaps, stakeholders should focus on activities at those levels.” – Dr. Solomon Kebede, Director of the Ethiopian Agriculture Authority
As part of the closing note, NAMRAC Chair Dr. Helina Tadesse, who is also Director-General of the Medical Services Directorate, acknowledged the efforts of MTaPS and other actors toward the prevention and containment of AMR and reiterated the importance of paying attention to lower-level structures. Dr. Tadesse thanked all involved for the presentations and support and urged stakeholders to push for more progress toward aligning accomplishments within the plan period.